Who We Are

The Foundation for Washington State Courts is a charitable foundation originally established jointly by the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers (WDTL) and the Washington State Association of Justice (WSAJ) to provide support and grant funding for courts across the state. We have since expanded to include family lawyers, criminal lawyers, and retired judges. The Foundation is dedicated to improving courthouse safety and enhancing the quality of justice.

How You Can Help

Our Courts Need Funds for:

  • Active Shooter Training
  • Metal Detectors
  • Door Locks
  • Security Cameras
  • Television Sets, DVD players, Copiers and Printers
  • Computer Software and Hardware
  • Audiovisual Aids
  • Accommodations for court visitors with disabilities

Why do the Courts Need Private Sector Help?

Washington State Courts have been leaders nationwide in implementing innovative programs to reduce congestion and delay, to improve access to the courts, and to enhance the efficiency and quality of our court system. The needs vary from county to county. Budget cuts have hit all counties and threaten established programs and pilot projects alike. Some courts lack the technological advances which most trial lawyers take for granted.

How do Courts Receive Funds from the Foundation?

State Courts can apply for grants from the Foundation. After careful assessment of needs, the Foundation will decide what grant should be approved.

How Can I Make a Difference?

Please help make a difference by making your tax-deductible contribution today.

Donate to help fund the important mission of the courts.