With FWSC funding, the Columbia County Superior Court was able to purchase a new security walk-thru metal detector, and a set of weapon lockers.

With FWSC funding, the Columbia County Superior Court was able to purchase a new security walk-thru metal detector, and a set of weapon lockers.
With FWSC funding, the King County District Court was able to purchase a new printer/copier.
Public defenders, Tim Goss and Laura Munro, look very happy to be using the new machine.
With FWSC grant funding, the Yakima County Superior Court was able to install badge readers at each door leading to judicial chambers. The Court thanks the FWSC for their support in making this improvement that contributes to the safety and security of their court staff and jurors.
With FWSC funding, Skamania County Superior Court was able to install key card locks. Skamania County Superior Court Administrator Pam Bell sent a message of gratitude, saying “Thank you, we truly appreciate the award the Foundation has given us. Inmates are brought directly past our doors on the way to the courtroom and this is going to greatly improve our safety. Please express our thanks to the board as well.”
With FWSC grant funding, the Pacific County Superior Court was able to install keycard locks on all staff entrances to the courtroom and court offices. The Court thanks the FWSC for their support in making these small improvements that greatly improve safety and security for the court staff and the public.
With the Foundation’s assistance, Kitsap County District Court has been able to purchase video conferencing equipment for their Human Trafficking Court and other hearings. Having defendants appear via video conferencing allows defendant’s enrolled in treatment programs to participate without interfering with that treatment, and allows at-risk defendants in the Human Trafficking Court to participate without fear of safety issues.
The Court intends to expand the use of video conferencing for other hearings, and thanks the Foundation for Washington State Courts for their support.
The Foundation for Washington State Courts invites you to our Fundraiser for the Courts to be held on Wednesday, October 30th from 5-7 p.m.
This event will be held at 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 in Seattle, Washington in Davis Wright Tremaine’s John Davis Conference Room. Please join us for beverages, appetizers, fun, and to see our featured guest and keynote speaker, the Honorable Sean O’Donnell from the King County Superior Court.
Please RSVP to Elizabeth Parker, at elizabeth@pwrfl-law.com.
FWSC is proud to have funded upgrades to the Seattle and Kent Courthouses’ Clerk’s offices that will provide ADA, safety-based, customer friendly accommodations to the Courts’ patrons. The grant also supplied the Children’s Waiting Room in the Seattle Courthouse with new play toys.
Director & Superior Court Clerk Barbara Miner said that the Foundation’s grant funding “has provided some wonderful enhancements for our customers and we are very appreciative.”